CD Reviews for 11/17/08 – Como Now!, Redd Volkaert

Compact Capsules
Dan Ferguson

Various Artists
Como Now: The Voices of Panola County MS
Daptone Records

Wanted: a cappella gospel singers. So went the ad placed in various newspapers and on radio stations around Panola County, MS by Brooklyn-based soul/funk imprint Daptone Records. Show up at Mt. Mariah Church, bring only your voice and get recorded, was the crux of it. The end product is the stunning compilation Como Now, Daptone’s first foray into gospel music. As soulful as a plate of grits and collard greens, it’s “locals” singing like megastars (and putting Idol types to shame!). (Visit

Redd Volkaert
Telehog Records

Virtuoso? When it comes to finessing a Telecaster, six-stringer Redd Volkaert takes the cake. A revered sideman whose bio includes a lengthy stint as lead ax-man for Merle Haggard, Volkaert has parlayed his talent into a solo career which with the release of Reddhead has yielded four longplayers. This latest entitled Reddhead showcases Volkaert’s virtuosity as he effortlessly slides from country swing to surf and blues to rockabilly to jazz. (Visit

(Dan Ferguson is a free-lance music writer and host of The Boudin Barndance, broadcast Thursday nights from 6 – 9 pm on WRIU-FM 90.3. He lives in Peace Dale and can be reached at<...