Jazz Explorer playlist January 7, 2013

Io – Dawn of Midi – Dysnomia

Sinope – Dawn of Midi – Dysnomia

The Conqueror Worm – John Zorn – Dream Machines

Chocolate Field – Coxhill Miller – Miller Coxhill

Other Days – Black Chamber – Black Chamber

Psychic Conspiritors – John Zorn – Dream Machines

Will my Thirst Play me Tricks – Coxhill Miller – Miller Coxhill

Maggots – Coxhill Miller – Miller Coxhill

Bath 72 – Coxhill Miller – Miller Coxhill

Navigation (Possibility Abstract X) – Taylor Ho Bynum – Navigation

La Catedral – Dead Tenant – You Live to Live Without


Here’s the link to Dave Douglas’s interview podcast with John Zorn: http://www.greenleafmusic.com/category/podcast/