JAZZ LISTING 12/19/2016 TO 12/26/2016

RHODE ISLAND JAZZ LISTING 12/19/2016 TO 12/26/2016

(notes: some gigs may require tickets, cover charges, or minimums; advanced purchase or other discounts may be available; and some may have been sold out, changed, or canceled – check with venue to confirm)

PLEASE CONTACT jazz@wriu.org with any corrections or additions

NOTE: URI events in blue


Doug Woolverton (trumpet) and the Groove Merchants, The Fifth Element, 111 Broadway, Newport, 619-2552, thefifthri.com, 7 pm

CANCELED (was on calendar for first Monday in December, 12/5, but not yet for Jan or Feb, check with venue) John Allmark Jazz Orchestra, The Met, Hope Artiste Village, 1005 Main St., Pawtucktet, 729-1005, www.themetri.com, doors open 8 pm, show 9pm

The House Combo, rhythm and blues and blues, Nick-A-Nees, 75 South St., Providence. 861-7290. 9 pm-midnight


Paul Del Nero, bass, w/Gilson Schachnik, piano, jazz, Roberto’s Italian Restaurant, 450 Hope St., Bristol, 254-9732, www.robertosbristol.com, 6 – 9 pm

John & Joanne, John Monllos, guitar, Joanne Rodino, vocals, jazz, standards, Viking Hotel, 1 Bellevue Ave, Newport, 7-11 pm

Steve Burke: smooth jazz, DaVinci Lounge, 146 Acorn St., Providence. 572-3911. davincilounge.com. 7 pm

Jhony Keys (piano) Jazz Jam, 10 Rocks Tapas Bar, 1091 Main St. Pawtucket, 728-0800, 7:30 -10:30

Big City Jazz Jam: house rhythm section Joe Potenza, bass, Ben Ricci, drums, invite other local vocalists and instrumentalists, Murphy’s Law, 2 George St., Pawtucket, 639-0925, 8 pm.

Cherish the Ladies: Irish, Greenwich Odeum, 59 Main St., East Greenwich. 885-4000, greenwichodeum.com. 8 p.m.


Rick Costa Trio, jazz, DeWolf Tavern, 259 Thames St. Bristol, 254-2005, 7-9:30 pm

Steve Burke: jazz, Oki’s, 1270 Mineral Spring Ave., North Providence. 728-7970. 7 p.m.

Let’s Dance Wednesdays: Shiny Lapel Trio, blues, Knickerbocker Cafe, 35 Railroad Ave., Westerly. 315-5070, theknickerbockercafe.com, dance lessons at 7 p.m. music 7:30 – 10 pm.

The Little Compton Band: soul, jazz, country, blues, The Rooftop at the Providence G, 100 Dorrance St., Providence. 632-4904. info@rooftopattheG.com 7 p.m.

Kirsanthi Papas, vocals, Steve Heck, piano, Tom Pasdquerelli, bass, jazz, standards, Sardella’s Restaurant, 30 Memorial Blvd., Newport. 849-6312. 7-9:30 pm.

Jhony Keys (piano) Jazz Jam, 10 Rocks Tapas Bar, 1091 Main St. Pawtucket, 728-0800, 7:30 -10:30

Blues At Lou’s: Original Blues DeVille Open Jam w/ Dick Willner: Lou’s Cafe, 47 Summer St., Manville. 762-9741. 8 p.m. 

Bluegrass HOEDOWN: Nick-A-Nees, 75 South St., Providence. 861-7290. 8:30-11:30 p.m.

The Funky Autocrates, The Parlour, 1119 N. Main St. Providence, 383-5858, www.theparlourri.com. 9 pm


Tony Cerbo: sings in the style of Michael Bublé and pop, Siena Restaurant, 400 Putnam Pike, Smithfield. 349-4111, 6:30 pm.

On Holiday Break – Back January: Tish Adams (vocals) Trio, jazz, standards, blues, Simone’s, 275 Child St. Warren, 247-1200, www.simonesri.com, 6:30 – 9 pm 

Barkode Jazz Trio, swing, jazz, Norey’s Bar and Grille, 156 Broadway, Newport. 847-4971, noreys.com. 8 p.m.

From Carl Palmer’s ELP Legacy: Paul Bielatowicz & Simon Fitzpatrick, Narrows Center for the Arts, 16 Anawan St., Fall River. (508) 324-1926, narrowscenter.org. doors open 7 pm, show 8 p.m.


John & Joanne, John Monllos, guitar, Joanne Rodino, vocals, jazz, standards, Jo’s Bistro, 24 Memorial Boulevard West, Newport, 847-5506, www.josamericanbistro.com, 7 – 10 pm.

Richard Hundley Trio, jazz, Cassarino’s Restaurant, 177 Atwells Ave. Providence, 751-3333, 7 pm

Tony Cerbo, tribute to Michael Buble, jazz and pop, Chapel Grille, 3000 Chapel View Blvd., Cranston. 944-4900, www.chapelgrillri.com 7-10 pm.

Steve Burke: jazz, DaVinci Lounge, 146 Acorn St., Providence. 572-3911. davincilounge.com. 7 p.m.

Judy Collins with the Cranston East High School Choir: the Holiday and Hits Show. Park Theatre/Rhode Island Center for the Performing Arts, 848 Park Ave., Cranston. 467-7275, parktheatreri.com. 8 p.m.

The Peacheaters, pay tribute to the Allman Brothers Band with “The Ghost of Christmas Peach”, Southern rock, Chan’s Restaurant, 267 Main St., Woonsocket. 765-1900, chanseggrollsandjazz.com. 8 pm

Superchief Trio: Keith Munslow, vocals, piano, Pamela Murray, vocal trombone, Andy Solberg, guitar, John Cote, drums, Joe Potenza, bass, New Orleans blues and swing, Rosmarin at Hotel Providence, 311 Westminster St., Providence. 521-3333. rosmarin-ri.com. 8:30 – 11:30 pm.

Knickerbocker Holiday Open House: Natalia Mortrude, Will Evans, and Glenn Kendzia, acoustic set with tributes to Amy Winehouse, Stevie Wonder, and some Christmas favorites, Knickerbocker Cafe, 35 Railroad Ave., Westerly. 315-5070, www.knickmusic.com/events/ 7 pm


The Ocean Mistics: rock and blues, Ocean Mist, 895 Matunuck Beach Rd., Matunuck. 782-3740, oceanmist.net. 3-6:30 p.m.

Bill Moretti, piano, jazz, Terrazza Bistro/Bar, 645 Douglas Pike (Rt. 7), Smithfield. 233-3223. 5-8 p.m.

Steve Burke, smooth jazz, Oki Japanese Steak House, 1270 Mineral Spring Ave, North Providence, 728-7670, 6-9 pm.

Fran Curley Jazz: Hotel Viking, 1 Bellevue Ave., Newport. 847-3300. 7-11 p.m.

Lois Greco: blues, Twin River, Lighthouse Bar, 100 Twin River Rd., Lincoln. 723-3200, (877) 827-4837, twinriver.com. 9 p.m.



Doug Woolverton (trumpet) and the Groove Merchants, The Fifth Element, 111 Broadway, Newport, 619-2552, thefifthri.com, 7 pm

NEW REDUCED SCHEDULE & EARLIER START Once a month, next date January 9:  John Allmark Jazz Orchestra, The Met, Hope Artiste Village, 1005 Main St., Pawtucktet, 729-1005, www.themetri.com, doors open 8 pm, show 9pm

The House Combo, rhythm and blues and blues, Nick-A-Nees, 75 South St., Providence. 861-7290. 9 pm-midnight



Debra Mann Quartet, w/Dino Govoni, sax, Marty Ballou, bass, Marty Richards , drums, jazz, Sandywoods Center for the Arts, 43 Muse Way, Tiverton. 241-7349, sandywoodsmusic.com. 7:30 p.m. (doors open at 7 pm BYOB & BYOF)

James Montgomery Blues Band, Chan’s Restaurant, 267 Main St., Woonsocket. 765-1900, chanseggrollsandjazz.com. 8 pm


Duke Robillard Band, New Year’s Eve Jump Blues Party, Knickerbocker Cafe, 35 Railroad Ave., Westerly. 315-5070, www.knickmusic.com/events/ 8:30 pm.