JAZZ LISTING 1/9/17 TO 1/16/17


(notes: some gigs may require tickets, cover charges, or minimums; advanced purchase or other discounts may be available; and some may have been sold out, changed, or canceled – check with venue to confirm)

PLEASE CONTACT jazz@wriu.org with any corrections or additions

NOTE: URI events in blue


Gnomes: folk rock, Weaver Library, 41 Grove Ave. East Providence. 434-2453, eastprovidencelibrary.org. 6:30 pm

Doug Woolverton (trumpet) and the Groove Merchants, The Fifth Element, 111 Broadway, Newport, 619-2552, thefifthri.com, 7 pm

John Allmark Jazz Orchestra, The Met, Hope Artiste Village, 1005 Main St., Pawtucktet, 729-1005, www.themetri.com, doors open 8 pm, show 8:30 pm (NEW REDUCED SCHEDULE & EARLIER START, ONCE A MONTH)


Paul Del Nero, bass, w/John Wilkins, guitar, jazz, Roberto’s Italian Restaurant, 450 Hope St., Bristol, 254-9732, www.robertosbristol.com, 6 – 9 pm

John and Joanne: pop, rock, One Bellevue Lounge, Hotel Viking, 1 Bellevue Ave., Newport. 847-3300. hotelviking.com/calendar.aspx, 7-11 p.m.

Steve Burke: smooth jazz, DaVinci Lounge, 146 Acorn St., Providence. 572-3911. davincilounge.com. 7 pm 

Jhony Keys (piano) Jazz Jam, 10 Rocks Tapas Bar, 1091 Main St. Pawtucket, 728-0800, 7:30 -10:30

Big City Jazz Jam: house rhythm section Joe Potenza, bass, Ben Ricci, drums, invite other local vocalists and instrumentalists, Murphy’s Law, 2 George St., Pawtucket, 639-0925, 7:30 – 11 pm.


“Allary at Arias” Wednesday Night Sessions: Marty Ballou (bass) Trio w/Chris Flory, guitar, Marty Richards, drums, Arias Lounge, 108 North Main Street, Providence, 214-1643, www.ariasloungeri.com, 7 – 10 pm. 

Rick Costa Trio, jazz, DeWolf Tavern, 259 Thames St. Bristol, 254-2005, 7-9:30 pm

Mark Gorman, pop, One Bellevue Lounge, Hotel Viking, 1 Bellevue Ave., Newport. 847-3300. hotelviking.com/calendar.aspx, 7-11 p.m.

Steve Burke: jazz, Oki’s, 1270 Mineral Spring Ave., North Providence. 728-7970. 7 p.m.

Let’s Dance Wednesdays: The Cartells, jazz, swing, Motown, R&B, Knickerbocker Music Center, 35 Railroad Ave., Westerly. 315-5070, knickerbockermusic.org, dance lessons at 7 p.m. music 7:30 – 10 pm.

Dick Lupino, vocals, bass, Steve Heck, piano, Rick Wells, drums, jazz, Sardella’s Restaurant, 30 Memorial Blvd., Newport. 849-6312. 7-9:30 pm. 

Blues At Lou’s: Original Blues DeVille Open Jam w/ Dick Willner: Lou’s Cafe, 47 Summer St., Manville. 762-9741. 8 p.m.

The Funky Autocrates, The Parlour, 1119 N. Main St. Providence, 383-5858, www.theparlourri.com. 9 pm


On Holiday Break – Back January: Tish Adams (vocals) Trio, jazz, standards, blues, Simone’s, 275 Child St. Warren, 247-1200, www.simonesri.com, 6:30 – 9 pm

Milt Javery, jazz, R&B, One Bellevue Lounge, Hotel Viking, 1 Bellevue Ave., Newport. 847-3300. hotelviking.com/calendar.aspx, 7-11, p.m. 

John Monlos (guitar) Swing Jazz Quartet, swing, jazz, Norey’s Bar and Grille, 156 Broadway, Newport. 847-4971, noreys.com. 7:30 p.m.

Chris Monti (guitar) Trio w/Danilo Henriquez, drums, Thierno Camara (from Senegal), bass, groove, African dance, The Parlour, 1119 N. Main St. Providence, 383-5858, www.theparlourri.com. 8 pm

Cheryl Wheeler, singer songwriter, folk, Kenny White, piano, vocals, singer songwriter, Narrows Center for the Arts, 16 Anawan St., Fall River. (508) 324-1926, narrowscenter.org. doors open 7 pm, show 8 p.m.

Willie J. Laws, guitar, vocals, w/special guest Doug Woolverton, trumpet, blues, Next Page 550 Broad St, E. Weymouth, MA, (781) 340-1300, thenextpagecafe.com, 8pm.


4th Annual Narrows Winter Blues Festival: Eric Gales Band, Davina and the Vagabonds, Nick Schebelen, Jimmy Bez Blues Band, Narrows Center for the Arts, 16 Anawan St., Fall River. (508) 324-1926, narrowscenter.org. 6 pm, doors open 5 pm.

John & Joanne, John Monllos, guitar, Joanne Rodino, vocals, jazz, standards, Jo’s Bistro, 24 Memorial Boulevard West, Newport, 847-5506, www.josamericanbistro.com, 7 – 10 pm.

Betsy Listenfelt, pop, One Bellevue Lounge, Hotel Viking, 1 Bellevue Ave., Newport. 847-3300. hotelviking.com/calendar.aspx, 7-11 p.m.

Steve Burke: jazz, DaVinci Lounge, 146 Acorn St., Providence. 572-3911. davincilounge.com. 7 p.m.

Toni Lynn Washington Quartet: w/Jordan Nunes, piano, Bob Sagnella, sax, John Badessa, drums, blues, jazz, dancing, Music Man Cafe, 1565 Plainfield Pike, Johnston. 270-5336. 7:30 p.m.

Delta Generators, rock, roots, blues, Chan’s Restaurant, 267 Main St., Woonsocket. 765-1900, chanseggrollsandjazz.com. 8 pm

The Isley Brothers: doo-wop, soul, R&B, Twin River, Event Center, 100 Twin River Rd., Lincoln. 723-3200, (877) 827-4837, twinriver.com. 8 p.m

Joe Potenza (bass) and Friends w/Duke Robillard, guitar, vocals, Mark Teixeira , drums, Bruce Bears, keyboard, jazz, blues, New Orleans blues and swing, Rosmarin at Hotel Providence, 311 Westminster St., Providence. 521-3333. www.rosmarin-ri.com. 8:30 – 11:30 pm

Sugar Ray (vocals, harmonica) & The Bluetones, blues, Knickerbocker Music Center, 35 Railroad Ave. Westerly. 315-5070. knickmusic.org. 8 p.m.

Club d’Elf with special guest John Medeski: jazz, Columbus Theatre, 270 Broadway, Providence. 621-9660, columbustheatre.com. 9 p.m.


Rhode Island Music Educators Association High School Jazz Festival, Joseph Parillo, coordinator. Fine Arts Center Concert Hall, 105 Upper College Road, Kingston, RI 9am-5pm

4th Annual Narrows Winter Blues Festival: Alexis P. Suter Band, Davy Knowels, Mark T. Small, Dan Lawson, Black Cadillac Trio, Narrows Center for the Arts, 16 Anawan St., Fall River. (508) 324-1926, narrowscenter.org. 5 pm, doors open 4 pm.

Joe Potenza, bass, Candida Rose, vocals, Kent Hewitt, piano, jazz, standards, Tavola Wine Bar and Tuscan Grill, 289 Attwells Ave, Providence, 274-6000, tavolowinebar.com. 7-10 pm

Travis Colby, funk, blues,One Bellevue Lounge, Hotel Viking, 1 Bellevue Ave., Newport. 847-3300. hotelviking.com/calendar.aspx, 7-11 p.m.

Kate Taylor: folk, Lily Pads, 27 North Rd., Peace Dale. 789-3680, musicatlilypads.org. 7:30 p.m.

Teledynes: rockabilly, Oak Hill Tavern, 565 Tower Hill Rd. (Route 1), North Kingstown. 294-3282. 8 p.m.

Johnny A, guitarist with the Yard Birds, blues, Chan’s Restaurant, 267 Main St., Woonsocket. 765-1900, chanseggrollsandjazz.com. 8 pm

Genna and Jesse and Neptune’s Car: world, folk, country, blues, jazz, Rose Garden Coffeehouse, Orthodox Congregational Church, 17 West St., Mansfield, Mass. (508) 699-8122, rosegardenfolk.com. 8 p.m.

DavyDread’s Birthday Bash, Soul Short and Friends, feat./Tom O’Brien, Dion Knibb, Eric Williams, The Soulshot Hornsm and others, Reggae, ska, Knickerbocker Music Center, 35 Railroad Ave. Westerly. 315-5070. knickmusic.org. 9 p.m.

Cheryl Wheeler: folk, country, Narrows Center for the Arts, 16 Anawan St., Fall River. (508) 324-1926, narrowscenter.org. 8 p.m.

Doug Wollverton (trumpet) and The Ravers, Reggae, The Café at The Parlor Bar & Kitchen, 200 Broadway, Newport, 848-9081, parlornewport.com, 9 pm.


Steve Burke, jazz brunch, Lake Pearl Luciano’s, 299 Creek St., Wrentham, Mass. (508) 384-3003. 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

Milt Javery, jazz brunch, Eleven Forty Nine, 1149 Division St., Warwick. 884-1149. 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

Lois Vaughan (piano) Jazz Quartet w/Ben Coerper, bass, Art Manchester,reeds, Mike Coffey, drums, jazz, Fifth Element, 111 Broadway, Newport. 619-2552, thefifthri.com. 12-3 p.m.

Bobby Ferreira, jazz brunch, Clarke Cooke House, 1 Bannister’s Wharf, Newport. 849-2900 12:30-3:30 pm.

Matt and July Bolles and the South County Rounders: bluegrass, Jamestown Philomenian Library, 26 North Rd., Jamestown. jamestownphilomenianlibrary.org. 423-7821. 3 p.m.

Bowzer’s Rock and Doo-Wop Party: Mohegan Sun, Arena, 1 Mohegan Sun Blvd., Uncasville, Conn. (888) 226-7711, mohegansun.com. Tickets $25-$35. 3 p.m.

Monthly Jazz Jam: feat/Martin Dalmasi, Masashi Nakamura, Erik Nelder, Shira Moss, Erick B Cifuentes, Latin jazz, session starts at 5 pm then at 8 pm Clear Audience, Boston based jazz band, The Parlour, 1119 N. Main St. Providence, 383-5858, www.theparlourri.com. Doors open 4 pm

Wolf and the Jam Daddies: blues jam, Boundary Brewhouse at Corinne’s Seafood Grille, 1593 Newport Ave., Pawtucket. 725-4260, corinnesbanquets.com. 5-9 p.m.

Sunday Night Blues Jam w/Ben Ricci, drums, Murphy’s Law, 2 George St., Pawtucket, 639-0925, 8:30 pm – 12 m


Doug Woolverton (trumpet) and the Groove Merchants, The Fifth Element, 111 Broadway, Newport, 619-2552, thefifthri.com, 7 pm

The House Combo, rhythm and blues and blues, Nick-A-Nees, 75 South St., Providence. 861-7290. 9 pm-midnight



“Allary at Arias” Wednesday Night Sessions: Marty Ballou (bass) Trio w/Bobby Keyes, guitar, Marty Richards, drums, Arias Lounge, 108 North Main Street, Providence, 214-1643, www.ariasloungeri.com, 7 – 10 pm.


Steve Burke, smooth jazz, Mile and a Quarter House, 334 Water St., Providence, 331-1500, 6-9 pm.

Dan Lord and the Big Shots: rock, blues, Courthouse Center for the Arts, 3481 Kingstown Rd., West Kingston. 782-1018, courthousearts.org. 7 p.m.

Susan Werner: funk, jazz, Gospel, Narrows Center for the Arts, 16 Anawan St., Fall River. (508) 324-1926, narrowscenter.org. 8 p.m.


Tony Cipolla (sax) Group, jazz, Tavola Wine Bar and Tuscan Grill, 289 Attwells Ave, Providence, 274-6000, tavolowinebar.com. 7-10 pm

Greg Abate Sextet, jazz, Chan’s Restaurant, 267 Main St., Woonsocket. 765-1900, chanseggrollsandjazz.com. 8 pm

Doug James All Stars w/Sugar Ray Norcia and Ricky “King” Russell, Courthouse Center for the Arts, 3481 Kingstown Rd., West Kingston. 782-1018, courthousearts.org. 8 p.m., doors 7:30


Ed Tomassi Jazz Group, jazz, swing, The Parlour, 1119 N. Main St. Providence, 383-5858, www.theparlourri.com. 5pm, Doors open 4 pm


“Allary At Arias” The Grand Return: Mike Renzi, piano, Dave Zinno, bass, Artie Cabral, drums, Arnie Krakowsky, sax, TedCasher,sax, Bob Sagnella, alto sax, Jeff Stout, trumpet, Shawnn Monteiro, vocals, Arias Lounge, 108 North Main Street, Providence, 214-1643, www.ariasloungeri.com, 4 – 8 pm.