(notes: some gigs may require tickets, cover charges, or minimums; advanced purchase or other discounts may be available; and some may have been sold out, changed, or canceled – check with venue to confirm)
PLEASE CONTACT jazz@wriu.org with any corrections or additions
The Groove Merchants w/Doug Woolverton, trumpet, The Fifth Element, 111 Broadway, Newport, 619-2552, thefifthri.com, 7 pm
The House Combo, rhythm and blues and blues, Nick-A-Nees, 75 South St., Providence. 861-7290. 8:30 pm
Reasons: pop, Venda/Costantino’s Ristorante, 265 Atwells Ave., Providence. 421-9105. 6-10 p.m.
John Badessa Big Band w/Bob Mianelli, vocals, jazz, swing, standards, Al’s Waterfront Restaurant & Lounge, 28 Water St. East Providence, 434-0590, www.alswaterfront.com, 6:30 – 9:30 pm.
Jhony Keys (piano) Jazz Jam, 10 Rocks Tapas Bar, 1091 Main St. Pawtucket, 728-0800, 7:30 -10:30
Big City Jazz Jam: house rhythm section Joe Potenza, bass, Ben Ricci, drums, invite other local vocalists and instrumentalists, Murphy’s Law, 2 George St., Pawtucket, 639-0925, 7:30 – 11 pm.
Debra Mann (vocals, piano) Quartet w/Dino Govoni, sax, Ron Ormsby, bass, Bart Weisman, drums, jazz interpretations of the music of Joni Mitchell, Wellfleet Harbor Actors Theater, 2357 Old Route 6 Road, Wellfleet, MA, (508) 349-9428, what.org, 8 pm
DJ Blade Mon, DC Roots, Pauly Danger, reggae dance party, Ocean Mist, 895 Matunuck Beach Rd, Wakefield, 782-3740, oceanmist.net, 9-pm
Steve Burke: jazz, Tumblesalts, 2 Morgan Ave., North Providence. 349-0557. 5-8 p.m.
Mango Trio: Mibbit Threats, Zeffro Giaetti, Richard Hundley, w/storyteller Len Cabral, jazz for kids and adults, Mt. Pleasant Library, 315 Academy Ave, Providence, 272-0106, 6 pm.
Oldies Night: Dick Lupino, bass, vocals, Mary Andrews, vocals, piano, Pat Cardeiro, vocals, guitar, Jeff Faountain, drums, classic pop, dance, from 50s to 90s, Sardella’s Restaurant, 30 Memorial Blvd., Newport. 849-6312. 7:30-10 p.m
The Night Owls w/Alec Charon, guitar, Caleb Cronan, drums, Alex Teoli, bass, jazz, Basta Restaurant, 2195 Broad St., Cranston, 461-2300, 7–10 pm
Blues At Lou’s: Original Blues DeVille Open Jam w/ Dick Willner: Lou’sCafe, 47 Summer St., Manville. 762-9741. 8 pm
Ryan Kowal’s Night of Improv: Ryan Kowal (vibes) Phil Mazza (guitar) Max Glodman (drums) Trio, also Damon Smith (bass) Joe Morris (guitar) Andria Nicomedou (vibes) Trio, free improvisation and original compositions, AS220, 95 Mathewson St, Unit 204, Providence, 831-9327, https://as220.org/calendar/, 9 pm – 1 am.
The Funky Autocrates, funk, R&B, The Parlour, 1119 N. Main St. Providence, 383-5858, theparlourri.com. 9:30 pm
The Jazz Strollers, trio, sax/flute, keys, bass, swing, dance, Pancho O’Malley’s, Mariner Sq, 140 Pt. Judith Rd. Narragansett, 782-2299, 5 -8 pm
Lois Vaughan Jazz Quartet: Eisenhower House at Fort Adams, 90 Fort Adams Drive, Newport. fortadams.org. Free. 6-7:30 p.m.
Steve Burke: smooth jazz, Mile and a Quarter, 334 S. Water St. Providence, 331-1500, 6-9 p.m.
The Paula Clare Band: blues, soul, rhythm and blues, Cranston Public Library, 140 Sockanosset Cross Rd. 943-9080. 6:30-8 p.m.
Steven Palumbo: solo vocals, in the style of Frank Sinatra, Siena Restaurant, 400 Putnam Pike, Smithfield, 349-4111, stevenpalumbo.com. 6:30-9:30 p.m.
Orquesta Sin Trabajo, tango for dancing or listening, The Towers, 35 Ocean Rd., Narragansett. 782-2597. Thetowersri.com/events. 7-10 p.m.
Swingin’ Jazz Night: TBA, jazz, swing, Norey’s Bar and Grille, 156 Broadway, Newport. 847-4971, noreys.com. 8 p.m.
The Groove Merchants w/Doug Woolverton, trumpet, The Narragansett Café, 25 Narragansett Ave, Jamestown, 423-2150, narragansettcafe.com, 8-11 pm.
The Holdup, Bumpin’ Uglies, opening, reggae, Ocean Mist, 895 Matunuck Beach Rd, Wakefield, 782-3740, oceanmist.net, 9-pm
Steve Burke: smooth jazz, Tumblesalts Cafe, 2 Morgan Ave., North Providence. 349-0557. 5:30-8:30 p.m.
Milt Javery, guitar, rhythm and blues and jazz, Portofino Bar and Grille, Ramada Middletown Hotel, 425 East Main St., Middletown. 846-3555. 6-9 p.m.
Al Abbott, pianist: jazz, swing, Osteria Toscana, 1571 Atwood Ave., Johnston. 519-9100. 6-10 p.m.
Julie Rhodes, vocals, pop, blues, standard, Greenvale Vineyards, 582 Wapping Rd., Portsmouth, 847-3777, www.greenvale.com, 6-9 pm
TBA, jazz, standards, pop, Tavolo Wine Bar and Tuscan Grill, 289 Attwells Ave, Providence, 274-6000, tavolowinebar.com. 6:30 – 9:30 pm
Tony Cerbo: singsin the style of Michael Bublé, pop, Chapel Grille, 3000 Chapel View Blvd., Cranston. 944-4900, chapelgrilleri.com. 7 p.m.
Vini Ames Duo: swing, pop, rhythm and blues, oldies, The Back Nine Tavern, Louisquisset Country Club, 1 Overlook Circle, North Providence. 258-0679. 7-10 p.m.
Calamari Brothers: swing, Smithfield Elks Lodge 2359, 326 Farnum Pike. 231-9820. 7:30-11 p.m.
Niki Hill and Her Band, blues, R&B, Chan’s Restaurant 267 Main St Woonsocket 765-1900, chanseggrollsandjazz.com 8 pm
Jaimoe’s Jasssz Band: Jaimoe was drummer in the original Allman Brothers Band, classic rock and funky soul, Narrows Center for the Arts, 16 Anawan St., Fall River, Mass. (508) 324-1926, narrowscenter.org. 8 p.m.
The Hoolios, CD release “God Invents Rock n Roll,” opening The Carleans, Knickerbocker Music Center, 35 Railroad Ave., Westerly. 315-5070, knickerbockermusic.org, doors 7 pm, music 8 pm
Crooked Coast w/Luke Vose, John McNamara, Ben Elder, Cape Cod band, Ocean Mist, 895 Matunuck Beach Rd, Wakefield, 782-3740, oceanmist.net, 9pm
Erika Van Pelt, The Narragansett Café, 25 Narragansett Ave, Jamestown, 423-2150, narragansettcafe.com, 9 pm-12:30 am.
Dick Lupino, bass, vocals, George Zecher, steel drums, Pat Cardeiro, guitar, Rick Wells, drums, jazz, standards, Greenvale Vineyards, 582 Wapping Rd., Portsmouth, 847-3777, www.greenvale.com, 1-4 p
TBA, jazz, standards, Tavolo Wine Bar and Tuscan Grill, 289 Attwells Ave, Providence, 274-6000, tavolowinebar.com. 6:30 – 9:30 pm
Milt Javery, guitar, rhythm and blues and jazz, Portofino Bar and Grille, Ramada Middletown Hotel, 425 East Main St., Middletown. 846-3555. 6-9 p.m.
Vini Ames Duo: swing, pop, R&B, oldies, Cafe DiPanni, 187 Pocasset Ave, Providence. 258-0679. 7-10 p.m.
Django Festival All-Stars, w/Samson Schmitt, lead guitar, Ludovic Beier, accordion, Pierre Blanchard, violin, Doudou Cullerier, rhythm guitar, vocals, Antonio Licusati, bass, Gypsy jazz, “Le Jazz Hot”, Park Theatre, 848 Park Ave,, Cranston, 467-7275, parktheatreri.com, 8 pm
Johnny Watson and the The Watson Blues Band, blues, rock, Chan’s Restaurant 267 Main St Woonsocket 765-1900, chanseggrollsandjazz.com 8 pm
The Mallet Brothers, Knickerbocker Music Center, 35 Railroad Ave., Westerly. 315-5070, knickerbockermusic.org, doors 7 pm, music 8 pm
Crooked Coast w/Luke Vose, John McNamara, Ben Elder, Cape Cod band, Ocean Mist, 895 Matunuck Beach Rd, Wakefield, 782-3740, oceanmist.net, 9pm
Mark Cutler and Men of Great Courage, The Narragansett Café, 25 Narragansett Ave, Jamestown, 423-2150, narragansettcafe.com, 9 pm-12:30 am
Steve Burke, smooth jazz, Hill & Harbor, cigar bar, 564 Main St, East Greenwich, 885-0111, 9pm – 1am.
Steve Burke, jazz brunch, Lake Pearl Luciano’s, 299 Creek St., Wrentham, Mass. (508) 384-3003. 10 am-2 pm
Milt Javery, jazz brunch, Eleven Forty Nine, 1149 Division St., Warwick. 884-1149. 10 a.m.-2 pm
Lois Vaughan Jazz Quartet: jazz, The Fifth Element, 111 Broadway, Newport. 619-2551. noon to 3 p.m.
Bobby Ferreira, jazz brunch, Clarke Cooke House, 1 Bannister’s Wharf, Newport. 849-2900 12:30-3:30 pm.
The Senders, High energy rock, Ocean Mist, 895 Matunuck Beach Rd, Wakefield, 782-3740, oceanmist.net, 3:30 – 6:30 pm
Live Jazz Sundays: TBA, Arias Lounge, 108 N. Main Street, Providence, 214-1643, www.ariasloungeri.com, 4-8 pm
Ghost Train, The Narragansett Café, 25 Narragansett Ave, Jamestown, 423-2150, narragansettcafe.com, 4-7 pm
Mike Dutra, Strictly Sinatra, Venda/Constantino Summer Concert, DePasquale Sq, Atwells Ave, Providence, 6-9 pm
Blue Clue Quartet: Manuel Morales, trumpet, Clay Nordhill, guitar, Jim Nordhill, drums Evan Magno, bass, celebrating the music of Chet Baker, Aurora, 276 Westminster St, Providence. goo.gl/4fKfHU. 7-9 p.m.
Al Copley (keys) Band w/Doug Woolverton, trumpet, Beach Ball, Ocean House, 1 Bluff Ave, Westerly, 888-565-5023, http://oceanhouseevents.com/events/event/independence-day-beach-ball, reservations include dinner, 7-10 pm
Hip Abduction, opening The Ravers, Ocean Mist, 895 Matunuck Beach Rd, Wakefield, 782-3740, oceanmist.net, 8:30 pm
The Groove Merchants w/Doug Woolverton, trumpet, The Fifth Element, 111 Broadway, Newport, 619-2552, thefifthri.com, 7 pm
John Allmark Jazz Orchestra, The Met, 1005 Main St. Pawtucket, 792-1005, http://themetri.com/events/, doors 8 pm, music 8:30 pm,
The House Combo, rhythm and blues and blues, Nick-A-Nees, 75 South St., Providence. 861-7290. 8:30 pm
“Jazz on the Patio” Ginny Conley (vocals) Quartet feat./Bill Moretti, piano, Vinny Lato, sax, TBA, bass, jazz, standards, Terrazza Restaurant, 645 Douglas, Pike, Smithfield, 233-3223, 6 – 9 pm
Jesse Colin Young, fusion of jazz, blues, folk, rock, Courthouse Center for the Arts, 3481 Kingstown Rd., West Kingston. 782-1018, courthousearts.org. 8-10:30 pm
Tribute to Greg Allman: by his son Michael Allman and Jeff Pitchel w/Texas Flood, Southern rock, blues, R&B, Chan’s Restaurant 267 Main St Woonsocket 765-1900, chanseggrollsandjazz.com 8 pm & 10 pm
Ginny Conley, vocals, Bill Moretti, piano, jazz, standards, Tavolo Wine Bar and Tuscan Grill, 289 Attwells Ave, Providence, 274-6000, tavolowinebar.com. 6:30 – 9:30 pm
(see lineup at http://www.newportjazz.org/lineup)
George Wein: “I’ve been over to the University of Rhode Island, and the faculty and students are dedicated to the music. If having their band at our Festival has helped their department, then I’m very proud that it has happened. It can only help jazz.” (see Sunday)
2017 Newport Jazz Festival (Lineup as of 4/20/2017)
Friday, August 4
Fort Adams
– Béla Fleck & The Flecktones
– Maceo Parker
– Cécile McLorin Salvant
– Naturally 7
– Leslie Odom, Jr.
– Joey DeFrancesco + The People
– Vijay Iyer & Wadada Leo Smith
– Amir ElSaffar’s Rivers of Sound Orchestra
– Christian Sands Quartet w. Gilad Hekselman, Yasushi Nakamura & Jerome Jennings
– One for All: Jim Rotondi, Steve Davis, Eric Alexander, David Hazeltine, John Webber & Joe Farnsworth
– Evan Christopher Clarinet Road & New Orleans Brass
– Rodriguez Brothers
– Jimmy Greene Quartet w/Kevin Hays, Ben Williams & Otis Brown III
– George Burton Quintet w/Tim Warfield, Jason Palmer, Pablo Menares, Wayne Smith Jr.
– Berklee Global Jazz Institute Workshop Ensemble
Tennis Hall Of Fame
– Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue
– Rhiannon Giddens
Saturday, August 5
– Snarky Puppy
– Branford Marsalis Quartet
– Rhiannon Giddens
– Christian McBride Big Band w. Special Guests
– Geri Allen, Terri Lyne Carrington, Esperanza Spalding
– Jazz 100: The Music of Dizzy, Mongo & Monk f. Danilo Perez, Chris Potter,
Avishai Cohen, Josh Roseman, Roman Diaz, Ben Street & Adam Cruz
– Henry Threadgill Zooid
– Vijay Iyer Sextet
– Antonio Sanchez & Migration
– DJ Logic’s Project Logic
– Benny Golson Quartet w. Mike LeDonne, Buster Williams & Carl Allen
– Uri Caine Trio w. Mark Helias & Clarence Penn
– Dominick Farinacci
– Gilad Hekselman, solo guitar
– JoAnne Brackeen, solo piano
– David Torkanowksy, solo piano
– Peter Evans, solo trumpet
– Jason Palmer’s Berklee Septet
– Herb Alpert ASCAP Foundation Young Jazz Composer David Leon
w. Leo Genovese, Josh Allen and Francisco Mela
– RI Music Educators Association Senior All-State Jazz Ensemble
Sunday, August 6
– The Roots
– Andra Day
– Maria Schneider Orchestra
– Hudson: Jack DeJohnette, John Scofield, John Medeski & Larry Grenadier
– Philadelphia Experiment: Questlove, Christian McBride, Uri Caine
– Jason Moran: Fats Waller Dance Party
– Tim Berne’s Snakeoil
– Bokanté f. Michael League & Malika Tirolien
– Theo Croker
– Cyrus Chestnut Trio
– Sean Jones Quintet w. Brian Hogans, Orrin Evans, Luques Curtis & Obed Calvaire
– Cyrille Aimée
– John Medeski, solo piano
– Marilyn Crispell, solo piano
– Orrin Evans, solo piano
– University of Rhode Island Big Band
– Newport Jazz Assembly Band w. Ben Marcoux, Joshua Bruneau,
Jimmy O’Connell, Tony Davis, Noah Barker, Alex Tremblay & Mike Camacho
– MA Music Educators Association All-State Jazz Band
All adult, children and student tickets for the 2017 Newport Jazz Festival presented by Natixis Global Asset Management are available at www.newportjazz.org. For information regarding pre-sales and special offers, subscribe to the newsletter on the festival web site or follow NJF on social media.
General Admission tickets for all Fort Adams events also can be purchased in person at the Newport Visitors Information Center, located at 23 Americas Cup Avenue. Log on to www.discovernewport.org for office hours and information. Local discounts offered. No service charges apply.
For more information, e-mail jazztickets@newportfestivals.org.
Natixis Global Asset Management is the Presenting Sponsor of the 2017 Newport Jazz Festival, and the Newport Jazz Festival also receives generous support from Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, North Coast Brewing Company and Eventbrite.