JAZZ LISTINGS 3/9/2020 TO 3/16/2020



Posted Weekly – Search “wriu jazz listings” and click item with the current week’s dates (in the main list or in the “related posts” list. Or on wriu.org:  In center of home page under “Recent Blog Posts” if you see a “Jazz Listings” box click on “Read more” or under the “Information” tab at the top of the page, click Jazz Listings.

(notes: some gigs may require tickets, cover charges, or minimums; advanced purchase or other discounts may be available; and some may have been sold out, changed, or canceled – check with venue to confirm)

URI and WRIU events and artists in blue

PLEASE CONTACT jazz@wriu.org with any corrections or additions


James Grande, vocals, guitar, favorites and improvisational originals, Unplugged Acoustic Series, The Rooftop at the ProvidenceG, 100 Dorrance St., Providence. 632-4904. rooftopattheg.com. 6 – 9 pm

Ritchee Price (trumpet, vocals) Trio w/Stan Holtzman, piano, Dennis Pratt, bass, Weaver Branch, East Providence Library, 41 Grove Ave, East Providence, 434-2453, eastprovidencelibrary.org/events/ 7 – 8pm

The Groove Merchants, feat./Nick Sanfilippo, piano, Gino Rosati, guitar, Michelle Hill, vocals, jazz, funk, blues, The Fifth Element, 111 Broadway, Newport, 619-2552, thefifthri.com, 7pm

PVDFest, Battle of the Bands! https://pvdfest.com/battle-of-the-bands/, contestants: Planet Mercury, Steadystate, Violet Tempo, concluding special feature: The Minks w/Nikki Barber, lead vocalist, Nashville’s “psychedelic-bloos” band, Askew, 150 Chestnut St., Providence,  (774) 526-9736, askewprov.com, doors 7, show 7:30pm (see full schedule below)

Aphasia Clefs music therapy choir, Nicole O’Malley coordinator, The Aphasia Clefs, music therapy patients from the Hands in Harmony clinic, Kingston RI, will present a one hour concert of popular songs acompanied by guitar. Fine Arts Center, B100 Concert Hall, 105 Upper College Rd., URI, Kingston, uri.edu/music/events/ , 7 – 8pm

The Jovial Crew, sea chanteys, The Tap Room, Griswold Inn, 36 Main Street, Essex CT, (860) 767-1776, griswoldinn.com, 8 -11pm

The House Combo: rhythm and blues, blues, Nick-A-Nees, 75 South St., Providence. 861-7290. 9 p.m.-midnight.


Nate Christian, guitar, vocals, high energy acoustic pop/rock that includes, synthesizers, keys, electric and acoustic guitar, and vocals, Unplugged Live Music Series, The Rooftop at the ProvidenceG, 100 Dorrance St., Providence. 632-4904. rooftopattheg.com. 6 – 9 pm

Jhony Keys Jazz Jam, Joe Potenza, bass, 10 Rocks Tapas Bar, 1091 Main St. Pawtucket, 728-0800, 7:30-10:30

The Autocrats, w/Leon Spradley, vocals, Mark Love Gonsalves, vocals, John Allmark, trumpet, Patrick Nigro, sax, Tucker Antell, sax, David Prout, guitar, Rusty Hughes, keys, John Vaughan, bass, Chris Ottaviano, percussion, Vinny Pagano, drums, funk, R&B, Askew, 150 Chestnut St., Providence,  (774) 526-9736, askewprov.com, 9 pm


RIME All-State Jazz Band Concert, Selected RI high school and middle school students who have been rehearsed and instructed by invited regional music educator, present an evening of top-flight big band jazz.  Sponsored by the Rhode Island Music Educators Association, Joseph Parillo URI faculty coordinator, Fine Arts Center, Concert Hall, 105 Upper College Rd., URI, Kingston, uri.edu/music/events/ 3 – 4pm

OUTCRY w/ Rob Ellis, lead vocals and harmonica, Keith Bradley, guitar, kick drum and backup vocals, classic and music from the 80s to today, Unplugged Live Music Series, The Rooftop at the ProvidenceG, 100 Dorrance St., Providence. 632-4904. rooftopattheg.com. 6 – 9 pm

Jazz Night at CAV: Alexus Lee, vocals, Matt Marcus, keys, Kevin Scollins, guitar, Zach Rochester, bass, jazz standards, soul classics, original songs, CAV Restaurant, 14 Imperial Pl, Providence, 751-9164, cavrestaurant.com, 6:30 – 9pm

(New Location & Earlier Time) Wednesday Jazz: Leland Baker (sax) and friends w/Nick Sanfilippo, piano, Bill Matthew Passeroni, bass, Mark Texeira, drums, Arigna Irish Pub, 1058 Charles St., North Providence, (just South of Mineral Spring Ave) 642-5853, arignairishpub.com, Jam Session after 2nd set, 7 – 10pm (Not at Arigna in Pawtucket)

Lori Colombo, vocals, Chris Taylor, piano, Dave Zinno, bass, jazz, Sardella’s Restaurant, 30 Memorial Blvd., Newport. 849-6312. 7:30-10 p.m.

Sax Gordon Beadle, tenor sax, vocals, with VRBE Band, Tom Ferraro, guitar, Steven Bigelow, bass, vocals, Stan Kozlowski, drums, vocals, Paul Bouley, keys, R&B, roots, Pub On Park, 661 Park Ave, Cranston, 781-8888, pubonparkri.com/events/, dance lessons, 6:30pm, band 7:30pm

Let’s Dance Wednesdays: The Cartells w/Karin Barth, vocals, percussion, alto sax, Joe Grieco, keys, vocals., Bill Hollowman, trumpet, tenor sax, vocals, Peter Lepak, drums, vocals, Jay Wiggin, bass guitar, vocals, Jose Goico, percussion, jazz, swing Motown, rock n roll, Knickerbocker Music Center, 35 Railroad Ave., Westerly. 315-5070. knickmusic.org. Doors 6:30pm, Dance lessons 7pm, Show 7:30 – 10pm

Aoife O’Donovan, singer, composer, will start with song cycle with a string quartet then songs from her career and some traditional fovorites, Taylor Ashton opens, The Katharine Hepburn Cultural Arts Center, 300 Main St. Oldsaybrook, CT, (860) 510-0453, katharinehepburntheater.org 7:30 pm

Java Groove, quartet with a big sound playing swing, jazz and ballads. The Tap Room, Griswold Inn, 36 Main Street, Essex CT, (860) 767-1776, griswoldinn.com, 8 -11pm

Sweet Mercy w/John Speziale, guitar, keys, harmonica, vocals, Craig Edwards. fiddle, mandolin, accordion, vocals, Jaime Duquette, stand up and electric bass, Sandy Allen, pedal steel guitar, mandolin, vocals, Americana influenced originals, classic covers from folk, blues, old time jazz, and rock, Perks & Corks, 62 High Street, Westerly, 596-1260, perksandcorks.com/calendar, 8pm

The Mastersons, singer/songwriters, multi-instrumentalist, Chris Masterson and Eleanor Whitmore w/guest vocalist Bonnie Whitmore, songs from their album “No Time For Love Songs.” country, Earlier events: Open Mic w/Beth Baron, all instruments and talents welcome, 6:30pm, PDV Jam Session w/Gregg Sheerod, vocals, with local guest artists, (check with venue of show times) Askew, 150 Chestnut St., Providence,  (774) 526-9736, askewprov.com


Steve Burke: sax, vocals, smooth jazz/pop, Cancun Mexican Restaurant, 175 Putnam Pike, Johnston 232-0844. 7-10 pm

Tartan Terrors a Celtic Invasion, mixing rock’s energy with traditional folklore, dance, and humor, The Katharine Hepburn Cultural Arts Center, 300 Main St. Oldsaybrook, CT, (860) 510-0453, katharinehepburntheater.org 7:30 pm

Glen Phillips (of Toad the Wet Sprocket) & Chris Barron (of Spin Doctors), Narrows Center for the Arts, 16 Anawan St., Fall River. (508) 324-1926, narrowscenter.org. Doors 7pm, show 8 pm (also see Sunday at The Kate)

Cherry Pie, w/Jilian Gray, banjo, vocals and the boys. jump, jive, swing rockabilly, ballads, The Tap Room, Griswold Inn, 36 Main Street, Essex CT, (860) 767-1776, griswoldinn.com, 8 -11pm (confirm with venue conflicting schedule on their web site)

Amory Silverston, In the Tap Room, 21+, Knickerbocker Music Center, 35 Railroad Ave., Westerly. 315-5070. knickmusic.org. 8pm

Phil Smith & Dave Schena, music of The Grateful Dead, The Doors, Dire Straits, Bob Seger, Foo Fighters, Lumineers and a heavy dose of Tom Petty, Perks & Corks, 62 High Street, Westerly, 596-1260, perksandcorks.com/calendar, 9pm


Cocktail Piano with Ray, The Tap Room, Griswold Inn, 36 Main Street, Essex CT, (860) 767-1776, griswoldinn.com, 4 -7pm

Saddle Up The Chicken, 6 piece local bluegrass band, The Pump House Music Works, 1464 Kingstown Rd, Wakefield. Pumphousemusicworks.com, doors 7pm, show 7:30pm

Robbie Fulks, singer/songwriter, Grammy nominated for folk album “Upland Stories” and American roots song, “Alabama At Night,” Lisa Bastoni opens, Narrows Center for the Arts, 16 Anawan St., Fall River. (508) 324-1926, narrowscenter.org. Doors 7pm, Show 8p

Through the Doors, tribute to Jim Morrison and the Doors, by Ernie Potter, lead vocals, Tommy Estrella, bass, Tim Paul, percussion, Steve Pratt, keyboard, Blake Thompson, guitar, Chan’s Restaurant, 267 Main St., Woonsocket. 765-1900, chanseggrollsandjazz.com. doors open for food & drinks 6:30, show 8 pm

Vini Ames, pop, standards, Brewed Awakenings Coffee House, 1395 Atwood Ave, Suite 110, Johnston, 275-6654, brewedcoffeeshop.com, 8-11pm

Mason Jennings, singer/songwriter, music from his new album, “Songs From When We Met,” w/guests Cardboard Ox, Greenwich Odeum, 59 Main St., East Greenwich, 885-4000, greenwichodeum.com, doors 7pm, show 8pm

The Celtic Tenors, Celtic songs, exhilarating classics, a capellas and popular contemporary songs, The Katharine Hepburn Cultural Arts Center, 300 Main St. Oldsaybrook, CT, (860) 510-0453, katharinehepburntheater.org 8 pm

Chris Beck (drums) Quartet, Side Door Jazz Club, Old Lyme Inn, 85 Lyme St. Old Lyme, CT, (860) 434-2600, eventbrite.com/o/the-side-door-jazz-club-4086763485. doors 7:30 pm, show 8:30 – 11pm.

Psychedelic ’60’s is a power trio, The Tap Room, Griswold Inn, 36 Main Street, Essex CT, (860) 767-1776, griswoldinn.com, 8:30 -12m

Sugar, w/Marcy Kelly, vocals, Natalia Mortrude, vocals, Joe Michael, guitar, Israel Malek, keyboards, vocals, Andrew Chaney, bass, vocals, Ric Haddad, drums, Matthew Dean, percussion, Klyph Johnson, saxophone, keyboards, disco, funk, R&B, Knickerbocker Music Center, 35 Railroad Ave., Westerly. 315-5070. Knickmusic.org. doors 8pm, show 9pm

World Premier Band w/Tony (Sweetp) Hobbs, drums, background vocals, Luke Jackson, vocals, Jerron (Jiggy) Oliver, vocals, CC Biggs, bass, Corey, guitar, vocals, Lady T, vocals; funk, dance, originals, R&B, Pub On Park, 661 Park Ave, Cranston, 781-8888, pubonparkri.com/events/, 9pm

Marion’s Pass, trio, light hearted rock and roll, inviting riffs, chill vibes to get you up and moving, Perks & Corks, 62 High Street, Westerly, 596-1260, perksandcorks.com/calendar, 9pm

Those Guys, The Narragansett Café, 25 Narragansett Ave, Jamestown, 423-2150, narragansettcafe.com, 9pm – 12:30am

Rebel Alliance, reggae, rock, Ocean Mist, 895 Matunuck Beach Rd., Matunuck. 782-3740, oceanmist.net. 9:30 pm


The Ocean Mistics: rock and blues, Ocean Mist, 895 Matunuck Beach Rd., Matunuck. 782-3740, oceanmist.net. 3-6:30 pm

The Honk w/David Furlong, guitar, mandolin, vocals, John Brough, drums, percussion, Raymond “Skip” Vanasse, bass, vocals, Lane Dupont, keys, Laura Furlong, violin, vocals, The Pump House Music Works, 1464 Kingstown Rd, Wakefield. Pumphousemusicworks.com, doors 7pm, show 8pm

Johnny Hoy & the Bluefish, Chan’s Restaurant, 267 Main St., Woonsocket. 765-1900, chanseggrollsandjazz.com. doors open for food & drinks 6:30, show 8 pm

Kat Wright, vocals, with the 8- piece Indomitable Soul Band, GoldenOak, opens, Narrows Center for the Arts, 16 Anawan St., Fall River. (508) 324-1926, narrowscenter.org. Doors 7pm, Show 8pm

John Cafferty & The Beaver Brown Band, Greenwich Odeum, 59 Main St., East Greenwich, 885-4000, greenwichodeum.com, doors 7pm, show 8pm

Lotus Land, American RUSH tribute, The Katharine Hepburn Cultural Arts Center, 300 Main St. Oldsaybrook, CT, (860) 510-0453, katharinehepburntheater.org 8 pm

The Breakers, tribute to Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, not costumes and wigs but the music and emotion, feat./Tom Smith, leader, guitar, Chris Chartier, lead vocalist, Evan Smith, Rick Hiller, Tom Booth, and Steve George, Knickerbocker Music Center, 35 Railroad Ave., Westerly. 315-5070. knickmusic.org. doors 7pm, show 8pm

Sarah Hanahan (sax) Quartet, Side Door Jazz Club, Old Lyme Inn, 85 Lyme St. Old Lyme, CT, (860) 434-2600, eventbrite.com/o/the-side-door-jazz-club-4086763485. doors 7:30 pm, show 8:30 – 11pm.

John Banker & Friends, pop, The Tap Room, Griswold Inn, 36 Main Street, Essex CT, (860) 767-1776, griswoldinn.com, 8:30 -12m

Majestic Fuzz, acoustic duo of Phil Smith and Jeff Rourke, progressive rock, blues, Perks & Corks, 62 High Street, Westerly, 596-1260, perksandcorks.com/calendar, 9pm

Eddy’s Shoe, The Narragansett Café, 25 Narragansett Ave, Jamestown, 423-2150, narragansettcafe.com, 9 pm – 12:30 am.


Milt Javery: jazz brunch, Eleven Forty Nine, 1149 Division St., Warwick. 884-1149. 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

Steve Burke: jazz, Lake Pearl, 299 Creek St., Wrentham MA, (508) 384-3003. 10 am. to 2 pm

Freight Train, Dixieland jazz, The Tap Room, Griswold Inn, 36 Main Street, Essex CT, (860) 767-1776, griswoldinn.com, 12n – 3pm

Mac Chrupcalla Jazz Series: Andrea Capozzoli, vocals, Greg Wardson, piano, Alan Berstein, bass, Mike Coffey, drums, jazz, standards, Johnny’s at Atlantic Resort/Wyndham Hotel, 240 Aquidneck Ave., Middletown. 847-2570 reservations, facebook.com/MacChrupcalaTrio/ 3-7 pm

Joshua Tree, U2 experience, Ocean Mist, 895 Matunuck Beach Rd., Matunuck. 782-3740, oceanmist.net. 3-3:30 pm

Neal McCarthy Problem, The Narragansett Café, 25 Narragansett Ave, Jamestown, 423-2150, narragansettcafe.com, 1 – 4pm (Note earlier time)

Mike Clifford, vocals, guitar, harmonica, singer/songwriter, folk and rock, originals and classic covers, The Tap Room, Griswold Inn, 36 Main Street, Essex CT, (860) 767-1776, griswoldinn.com, 4 – 7pm

Tish Adams (vocals) Trio, w/Gino Rosati, guitar, Joe Potenza, bass, jazz, blues, an a few surprises, The Pump House Music Works, 1464 Kingstown Rd, Wakefield. Pumphousemusicworks.com, doors 5pm, show 6pm

Lucy Kaplansky, vocals, singer/songwriter, Richard Shindell, guitar, singer/songwriter, blending country, folk, pop, songs from her new album “EverydayStreet” and their previous release “Tomorrow Your Going,” Greenwich Odeum, 59 Main St., East Greenwich, 885-4000, greenwichodeum.com, doors 6pm, show 7pm

Glen Phillips (of Toad the Wet Sprocket) & Chris Barron (of Spin Doctors), The Katharine Hepburn Cultural Arts Center, 300 Main St. Oldsaybrook, CT, (860) 510-0453, katharinehepburntheater.org 7 pm (also see Thursday at The Narrows Center)

PVDFest, Battle of the Bands! https://pvdfest.com/battle-of-the-bands/, Planet, The Dan San Band, Jake Hunsinger & The Rock Bottom Band, Aquaria, Alchemy, 71 Richmond St., Providence, 383-6336, alchemyri.com, doors 7, show 7:30pm (see full schedule below)

Kyle Rathbun, singer/songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, In the Tap Room, 21+, Knickerbocker Music Center, 35 Railroad Ave., Westerly. 315-5070. knickmusic.org. 8pm

Leland Baker (sax) Trio, jazz, Courtland Club, 51 Courtland St, Providence, 227-9300, bar & restaurant opens 5pm, music 8pm.

Brad Bensko, Perks & Corks, 62 High Street, Westerly, 596-1260, perksandcorks.com/calendar, 8pm


Paul Caraher, vocals, guitar, plays tunes from artists like Van Morrison, Waylon Jennings, Marvin Gaye, Hall & Oates, Prince, Zac Brown, Jimmy Eat World, Lenny Kravitz, Bob Seger, Bon Jovi, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Bruce Springsteen, Unplugged Acoustic Series, The Rooftop at the ProvidenceG, 100 Dorrance St., Providence. 632-4904. rooftopattheg.com. 6 – 9 pm

The Groove Merchants, feat./Nick Sanfilippo, piano, Gino Rosati, guitar, Michelle Hill, vocals, jazz, funk, blues, The Fifth Element, 111 Broadway, Newport, 619-2552, thefifthri.com, 7 pm

PVDFest, Battle of the Bands! https://pvdfest.com/battle-of-the-bands/, Crimson indigo, Traveling Empire, Verdegree, Askew Prov 150 Chestnut St., Providence,  (774) 526-9736, askewprov.com, doors 7, show 7:30pm (see full schedule below)

Martin Kelly Duo w/Jilly Martin and Ryan Brooks Kelly, guitar, vocals, acoustic rock and new county, classics and originals, The Tap Room, Griswold Inn, 36 Main Street, Essex CT, (860) 767-1776, griswoldinn.com, 8 -11pm

The House Combo: rhythm and blues, blues, Nick-A-Nees, 75 South St., Providence. 861-7290. 9 p.m.-midnight.




URI Dept of Music​ Spring 2020 Convocation 8, featuring faculty, students and special guests, Joseph Parillo URI faculty coordinator, Fine Fine Arts Center, Concert Hall, 105 Upper College Rd, Kingston, uri.edu/music/events/ 12:30 -1:45pm (Programs subject to change, please check with the office (401) 874-2431 for current information.)


URI Big Band, w/jazz program students and Emmett Goods coordinator, Fine Arts Concert Hall, 105 Upper College Rd., URI, Kingston, uri.edu/music/events/ 8pm


Jon Campbell, singer songwriter, guitar, vocals, with an operating principle of “write about what you know about” his home of costal Rhode Island has offered a lot of possibilities, recent RI Music Hall of Fame Inductee and RI State Council on the Arts Folk Artist since 1982, The Pump House Music Works, 1464 Kingstown Rd, Wakefield. Pumphousemusicworks.com, doors 7pm, show 8pm

Damn The Torpedoes: A Tom Petty Tribute, feat./Rich Kubicz, guitar, vocals, and a band playing the signature riffs, harmonies and underlying parts of the music of the Heartbreakers, Greenwich Odeum, 59 Main St., East Greenwich, 885-4000, greenwichodeum.com, doors 7pm, show 8pm


Ryan Sullivan, Jazz Trombone Recital, w/jazz program students, Fine Arts Center, Concert Hall, 105 Upper College Rd., URI, Kingston, uri.edu/music/events/ , 7pm




Fort Adams State Park, Newport, Rhode Island, www.newportjazz.org

Aug. 7

Norah Jones
Jimmy Cliff
Robert Glasper
Christian McBride Situation
Chris Potter Circuits Trio
Nicholas Payton
Catherine Russell
The History of Jazz

Aug. 8

Wynton Marsalis
Angélique Kidjo’s Remain In Light
Robert Glasper
Charles Lloyd Kindred Spirits
Makaya McCraven
Nate Smith + KINFOLK
The Jazz Gallery All-Stars
The Comet is Coming
Arturo/Zack/Adam O’Farrill Quintet
Michela Marino Lerman—Love Movement
Miguel Zenón Quartet

Aug. 9

Diana Krall
Robert Glasper
Maria Schneider Orchestra
Joe Lovano Trio Tapestry
Cory Wong
The Soul Rebels
Jeff “Tain” Watts
Nubya Garcia
Warren Wolf and Wolfpack




PVDFest, Providence’s signature cultural celebration, is pleased to announce a new addition to the 2020 festivities…Battle of the Bands! https://pvdfest.com/battle-of-the-bands/


All doors open at 7pm, performances start at 7:30pm, all showcases free and open to the public.

Askew Prov 150 Chestnut St., Providence,  (774) 526-9736, askewprov.com

3/1 HERd, Rob Ballou, The Knightsville Butchers
3/9 Planet Mercury, Steadystate, Violet Tempo
3/16 Crimson indigo, Traveling Empire, Verdegree
3/23 Cavalier, Ghosts in the Snow, The Kaitlyn Tarro Band

Alchemy 71 Richmond St., Providence, 383-6336, alchemyri.com

3/8 Matt Fraza Band, The Will Divided, Cool Beverages
3/15 The Dan San Band, Jake Hunsinger & The Rock Bottom Band, Aquaria
3/22 Slitty Wrists, Black Dagger, Wrought Iron Hex

The Parlour, 1119 North Main St., Providence, 383-5858, http://theparlourri.com

4/7 Downcaster, Artist Jackie featuring BeatCo.ViaMental, Strattones
4/14 The Moodrunners, Red Ed and the Undead, N.I.N.I.E 3:30
4/21 Birdlife, The Stone Road Band, Kontrolled Havok
4/28 Wax On, Blud, Aura

Fête Music Hall, 103 Dike St., Providence, 383-1112, fetemusic.com

4/8 Mob Candy, Big Lux, Pastel
4/16 Blynd Dryve, Heather Rose In Clover, The Smoke Breaks
4/22 Sugar Cones, Electric Joey, Towanda, Fathercard
4/29 Obsidian State Of Mind, Dirty Filthy Basement, Metric Electric

The Good Will Engine Company, 41 Central St., Providence, goodwillenginecompany.com/goodwill-events/

5/12 Great Gale, EclecticElectric, DIGITAL
5/19 Dogs on Shady Lane, Plug, Blue Holes
5/26 The Right Hand Left Hand Band, Vague Perception, Grizzly Power

The Met, 1005 Main St., Pawtucket, 729-1005, themetri.com,

6/7, 6/8, 6/9 Semi-Finals

(The top 16 bands will move forward to the semi-final round.)

 The Strand, 79 Washington St., Providence, 331-5876, thestrandri.com

6/13 Finals

(The top 8 bands will move forward to the final round of competition.)